viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009




Place: Viitaniemen koulu  / Paikka: Viitaniemen koulu

Date: 28th November 2009 / Pvm: 28. Marraskuuta 2009

Schedule: 8:00 – 22:00 / Aika: 8:00 – 22:00

Price: 8 euros /person  /   Hinta: 8 euroa / henkilö

Each team has to be composed by 7 people minimum / Jokaisessa joukkueessa on oltava vähintään 7 henkilöä

Maximum 16 teams (the first ones) / Korkeintaan 16 tiimiä (paikat täytetään järjestyksessä)

There will be prizes (the best team, the best mixed team, the worst team,…) / Luvassa palkintoja (paras joukkue, paras sekajoukkue, huonoin joukkue...)

Rules / Säännöt: 

The teams can be mixed / Sekajoukkueet sallittu

5 players (4+ goalkeeper) / 5 pelaajaa (4 + maalivahti)

Two times each match (10 min each one) / Pelataan kaksi 10 minuutin erää, välissä 2 minuutin erätauko

After the 5th fault it will be double penalty / Viidennen rangaistuksen jälkeen tulee tuplarangaistus

If you change the goalkeeper inform the referee / Maalivahdin vaihdosta tulee kertoa tuomarille

The referee can exclude 2 min any player if he thinks it’s necessary / Tuomari voi laittaa pelajaan 2 minuutin jäähylle, jos siihen on tarvetta

You can change the field players whenever you want / Vaihdon voi suorittaa koska vaan

If you want some extra information visit us on the Basques office (TEAM ACADEMY) or send us an email to this direction: / Lisäinformaatiota saat Baskien toimistosta tai sähköpostitse (englanniksi):

If you want to play send us a message to this email with the names of the teamsters and we will explain you how to pay.


A house music party with international DJs where everyone must dress something in white to have the real experience of Ibiza.

your dreams are coming soon...


welcome to our party!!!!!

we sell tickets in advance.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009


Last friday we made an Evening meeting in Team Academy with the colaboration of JCI (junior chamber international). For that event we needed sponsors and we went out Team Academy, we went to crazy town. Our sponsors were techait and business arena. This was our first big project and because of that the days before we were very nervous, but after the event we realised that we made a good job.

During the event we did a lot of things like games, speed dates, presentations,… The programation was:

1. We did an ice breaking(a game). The game was to pesented ourself doing a network with wool.
2. We did different groups or teams to do a check in. The check in is a Team Academy method to say how we are.
3. After that we did a play explaining the history of Team Academy.
4. We went up stairs an we did the speed daiting, everyone was satisfied.
5. Then we made a break. In the break we offered different “pintxos” like tortilla, tuna and sandwiches. We had also some drinks. After that we made a picture all together.
6. After the break we did another game. This game was a competition between the different groups that we made at the begining. The competition was to search different words with one letter.
7. Later we were down stairs and we did our presentation. After that we were thinking in doing a presentation of Manahmana and Gaze but we had a different problems and we decided to cancel it.
8. Finally we did a presentation of our new projects (our dreams) and after that a check out.

Now we are thinking doing this event in the Basque Country to know people about us. We know that we made a different mistakes but like our slogan says: LEARNING BY DOING. We think that this event is the first step of something that starts now.